I have just returned from a remarkable walk out in the cool air, with skies reflecting the fires that rage along the west coast of the US. I like to take walks where I don’t think about the future or the past, walking solely in the moment of my unfolding experience. I wait to see what the bounty of this place offers for me, and tonight the messages are for me and my students.
As I emerged onto the street a tree with wings appeared before me, like an angel watching over me. I wondered what was in store for me. As I walked along I met men with masks, social distancing, “staying safe” in the current climate.
I walked on finding enjoyment in the dark skies, noticing the change in the colours of the leaves, meeting others enjoying the quiet evening. Then through the quiet, dance music emerged and there were 3 women in my local park, lifting weights using them to strengthen in a lunge, and other acrobatic moves of the body. It looked like so much fun!
Then it was in the span of minutes that inspired me to write this. In a play field I run and walk in, I witnessed a 3 year old with her parents climbing by herself the ladder of a slide, helmeted, holding the side bars without her parents hovering around her waiting for her to fall. They watched and encouraged her from the front and side of the slide and cheered her when she slid down all by herself! She was filled with glee in the feat she had accomplished and she returned to do it all over again.
Then 2 minutes later it was the sight of 2 young boys climbing a tree with their dad below, waiting patiently while they explored their curiosity and excitement of stretching their limits. He did not hover in fear of them falling, he gave them the space to test their limits. Along side of this entire play unfolding before me was a father out throwing a football with his daughter. They were smiling and enjoying this time together outdoors teaching her the confidence all young girls need, in their strength and ability of their bodies to catch and throw a ball.
The message was important to me as a coach and strategist- the need to help others stretch beyond their perceived limits, stepping out of comfort and safety, while at the same time having the support of a friend or coach. They can encourage you to try new things, to see things from a different perspective, to inspire you with renewed enthusiasm and to teach you ways to build your confidence in your abilities. We grow our wings when we step outside our boxes of comfort and limiting beliefs, have the courage to try something new and experience the victory or defeat that comes with it!
Work with me and I will inspire you to expand into your vastness and help you grow your wings to fly.
Practices: As many of us are working online at this time, it is important to stay connected and have a network of support, encouraging you to step into your ideals. Get a friend, family member or coach to check in with once every week to hold each other accountable to the vision you have set for yourself.
Create 3 ideals for your semester or next 3 months- a physical ideal might be to exercise 3x/week. Check in with your accountability partner and share your victories, challenges and the adjustment and steps you will take in the following week.
Upcoming workshop: Set your flight path: This is a 2 hour workshop focussed on the wholistic model, we will build physical awareness with yoga stretches, emotional management tools and exercises to build an empowering routine for the semester.