The Mahabharata: Master your mind in challenging times

The Mahabharata: Master your mind in challenging times

Part 2 of the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita written by Vyasa and told to you by Alexandra of Enlightened Learning.
As we left off I just want to just preface this next part with the times that I said Krishna when I meant Arjuna, they are actually the same. But I do make the error of confusing the two. They are essentially one and the same.

So let’s start where we left off in the midst of a battle where Arjuna has cast down the Gandava in despair due to the doubts that he holds. Fighting an unrighteous battle in his mind.

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Interview with Yolande Clark

This is Alexandra Hindson from Enlightened Learning here in Acapulco Mexico with Yolanda Norris Clarke a BC native who lived in Fredericton New Brunswick. I

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