Student Success

Enlightened Learning offers learning strategies and tools   customized to the needs of a high school or university student.

University students benefit from having an academic strategist to help guide their learning process and success. You may have experienced your first year or a semester where your marks need to demonstrate your potential. You may have a diagnosis of a learning disability and have discovered there is a service to support your academic ideals. (If you have a learning disability you can access funds to pay a learning strategist. See your Accessibility Services department for more information.)

If you are a high school student you are in the midst of a major change in your life as you transition into your next steps. You maybe moving from home where there is stability and structure. You get support from an academic strategist as you transition from individual support from your high school teachers to more independent learning in large lecture halls.

Alexandra will give you strategies and support to build your confidence in the university learning environment, and tools to help you:

    • Organize your time and be more productive with the time you have.
    • Expand your awareness of time and extend your “time horizon”.
    • Exercise grit and willpower in overcoming distractions.
    • Create life- changing mindset strategies to achieve your dream life and semester.
    • Transform procrastination into motivation.
    • Create clarity out of chaos and overwhelm.
    • Transmute negative emotions into beneficial feelings to uplift and inspire you.
    • The art of communication in groups, with self and others.
    • Read smarter and wiser, focusing on what is essential while leaving the rest.
    • Study tools to fit your style  and preferences for learning.
    • Take exams with confidence and ease.


Alexandra offers mindfulness practices and tools to help you to:

  • Reduce and take control of anxiety and stress.
  • Energize your body and mind for clear thinking.
  • Build self-awareness and understanding of your strengths and challenges.
  • Clear the mind regularly to see and feel clearly. 
  • Build a toolkit of resilience into your routines.

Services offered


Get back on track to higher grades and experience the joy of learning. With scheduled weekly or bi-weekly appointments, we will tailor an empowering program full of navigational tools, techniques, and practices to improve your grades and confidence as a learner. 

Our coaching package can be conducted online through Zoom or Skype.  

Each coaching session includes academic and mindfulness practices that can be practiced and advanced  between the weekly coaching sessions.  Alexandra provides a copy of the session summarizing the meeting’s discussion which is sent to you  after each session.

10 Online Sessions Pre-Paid Fee: $1000.00/person
Weekly Payment Plan:  $110.00 paid before each session

*Please note: students registered with their university’s Accessibility Services will receive their grant from Student Aid. Please follow the link below for more information.

Funding for Students with Permanent Disabilities